Three Yellow Roses 0

Raymond Carver’s Errand (translated into Spanish as Tres rosas amarillas -Three Yellow Roses-) was first published in the New Yorker in the spring of 1987. In this story, Carver fictionalises Chekhov’s death. It is a beauty to which I return from time to time. As I return to Chekhov, who showed me Carver. Carver was ill at that time, he died the following year. He has a series of very beautiful poems collected by Tess Gallhagher and written during the time of his illness. I often go back to them as well. My father was sick then, like Carver, like Chekhov. I imagined Carver imagining Chekhov. I imagined my father.

Technique: Methacrylate, metal and glass, 60x60x70 cm.
Collection: Col.lecció Testimoni. Fundació La Caixa
Year: 1995
tres rosas amarillas 0